Sheldon Payne – Digital Marketing Coach

My 3 Favorite Social Media Management Tools

My 3 Favorite Social Media Management Tools

“A Carpenter Is Only As Good As His Tools” and the same holds true for social media professionals. While there are many tools that make social management successful for my clients, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and Google Analytics are my 3 must haves.

Hootsuite almost encompasses everything you need with it’s scheduling across multiple social profiles, team collaboration, analytics reports, and more recently it’s content suggestions for content curating.

Tweetdeck is my go to tool for social listening and real time interaction. It’s great for live events and twitter chats.

Measurement is vital to the success of social media management and for that I rely onGoogle Analytics. I use it provide data on what content is working on my clients webpages and from which social media properties. This data allows me to determine what future content to develop and which social channels to distribute the content.

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